The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc.
Seaford, Delaware 19973
Celebrating our 67th Membership Year
"Through the Garden Gate"
A tour of seven gardens in the Seaford, DE, area.
The Spade & Trowel Garden Club of Seaford extends a sincere thank you to the following people who shared their gardens with the community. In addition we thank the artists who joined us from "Seaford's Gallery 107." We also thank the Nanticoke Yacht Club for allowing to use it as our home base. Thank you to all vendors who set up and sold their wares.
1) Origami Owl - Amanda Scott at or 302-228-3213
2) Love, Byrd, Soap at or 443-359-0251 or 610-334-5155
3) Everything That Glitters at Leann Buck, FB EverythingTG
4) Chips Whirlibirds at 302-629-3137
5) Marvelous Produce at Seaford Shopping Center or Marvelous Produce, 443-669-3815
Located in the neighborhood of Rivers End, Gaye and Andy Mara shared their lovely gardens and patio with ticket holders of the The Spade & Trowel Garden Club.
The home of Jim and Judy Larson just around the corner from the Maras was also featured on the tour featuring gardens and a lovely pool area with work in progress as pavers are being installed.
Snug Harbor featured the lovely home of Rick Avello. Sitting on the bank of the Nanticoke, the home has a view of the river and wetlands. Rick has enriched the wetlands by adding ferns, cattails and more. Relaxing on the patios is a must.
Whoever said that city homes can't provide a private oasis from city streets and noise never visted the garden of Dennis Russell, behind his business "Act II Florist" on High Street. Shade abounds in this yard thanks to a 'century' old Pecan tree.
The home of Susan and Rob Rider is a lovely city home that faces Pennsylvania Avenue. Again, the rear gardens and patio offer a respite of relaxaction from the hustle of city life.
Well worth the drive was the lovely garden of Joyce and Bradley Mackler in Holly Shores. This lovely brick home features newly added beds in the front of the home, a lovely boxwood garden, terrific pool and plenty of shade
Another drive worth the petrol was the home of Mary and Hollis Noel outside of Bridgeville. The most impressive feature is the "No. L. Railroad" garden which features 3 tracks, a mountain, buildings and of course plants. All in all there are 19 gardens on the property. Needless to say, Mary is a plant/flower enthusiast who has had it in her blood ever since she was a child. She is also a past-president of The Spade & Trowel Garden Club.
Back at the Nanticoke Yacht Club, Spade & Trowel Garden Club members were selling plants and garden items while vendors were exhibiting and selling their wares.