The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc.
Seaford, Delaware 19973
Celebrating our 67th Membership Year
Delaware Federation of Garden Clubs Password DFGC-3210
President: Ginny Cardona, 146 Dante's Dr., Hockessin DE 19707, 302-379-2000
President's Theme: 2023-2025, "Bee Aware, Bee Involved, Bee Kind"
Objectives and Purpose
Our purpose is to coordinate the interests of the Garden Clubs of Delaware and to bring them into closer relations of mutual helpfulness by association, correspondence and conference.
We promote civic development and service projects of individual clubs, encouraging clubs to apply for State, Regional and National Awards. Garden Therapy for the handicapped, Historic Preservation, and Habitat for Humanity as well as Community and Environmental projects are but a few of the programs our members are involved in.
We promote youth activities and Junior Garden Clubs.
We award an annual scholarship to local college students in Horticulture related majors.
We offer opportunities through participation in local, area and national schools and symposiums on floral design, landscape design gardening and environmental study.
Currently our membership is made up of 25 clubs. We hope that you will consider becoming a member of a garden club in your area. Join us as we strive to improve the State of Delaware through beautification, conservation, civic and environmental projects and hopefully, leave a legacy for future generations
State Meetings: (See Web Site: Password DFGC-3210
Registration begins at 9 a.m. - Meeting begins 10 a.m. - Followed by Lunchh, then program, wrapping up at 2 p.m.
Cost is $40 - Register through your local club which will collect payment.
November 15, 2023 - Kings Creek Country Club, Rehoboth Beach DE
April 17, 2024 - The Executive Banquet and Conference Center - 205 Executive Drive, Newark DE
June 19, 2024 - Heritage Shores - One Heritage Shores Circle - Bridgeville DE
4401 Magnolia Ave., St. Louis MO 63110 - 314-776-7574
2023-2025 President: Brenda Moore, Oak Hill, WV -
Objectives and Purpose
Our purpose is to provide education, resources, and national networking opportunities for our members to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility.
We organize, support, arrange and deliver educational and school programs along with a variety of resources to support horticultural and environmental activities. Further, we sponsor many networking opportunities and special projects in which our members can participate in order to be of service and help our communities on a local, regional, national and international level.
Overall, we promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility and we help coordinate the interests and activities of state and local garden clubs in the U.S. and abroad. Some of our projects and programs include:
•Aiding in the protection and conservation of natural resources.
•Promoting civic beautification and encouraging the improvement of roadsides and parks.
2024 Convention - June 2-5 - The Westin Westminster, Denver CO
The National Gardener (Magazine) can be read on the NGC website
Central Atlantic Region of State Garden Clubs, Inc. Password 2325@CARegion
2023-2025 Director: Monica Hansen - 21 Henning Dr., Orchard Park, NY
Alternate Director: Vikki Bellias -
2023-2025 Theme: "Together we will Plant America for a cleaner, greener and healthier world"
2023 CAR-SGC Conference, October 23-26 "Seven Strong on a Fall Adventure," Corning NY
Details on CAR website
Proud Supporter of:
Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek (just outside of Dagsboro, DE).
Contact Us:
Spade & Trowel Garden Club
P. O. Box 1544
Seaford, Delware 19973-5544
President: Carol Kinsley - 410-924-3582
Vice-President: Leann Wells - 302-228-5800
Recording Secretary: Sandy Blackwell - 302-542-3174
Corresponding Secretary: Betty Jean Johnson - 302-337-7826
Treasurer: Barbara Fletcher - 302-629-4778
Immediate Past-President: Mary Noel - 302-337-1054