The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc.
Seaford, Delaware 19973
Celebrating our 67th Membership Year
2024-2025 Calendar
Club Officers:
President: Carol Kinsley, 410-924-3582
Vice President: Leeann Wells, 302-228-5800
Recording Secretary: Sandy Blackwell, 302-542-3174
Corresponding Secretary: Betty Jean Johnson, 302-337-7826
Treasurer: Barbara Fletcher, 302-629-4778
Immediate Past President: Mary Noel, 570-239-7948
Meeting Place and Time
Starting in October, 2024: Grace Seaford Church, 805 Atlanta Road,
Seaford, DE, (302) 629-8434
(Unless otherwise noted on monthly schedule)
Second Tuesday of each month (September - June)
12:30 - 1 p.m. - Horticulture/Flower Show set up
1:00 p.m. - Social • 1:30 p.m. - Program & Meeting
September 2024
Board Meeting: Friday, Sept. 6, 10:15 a.m. Home of Mary Noel.
General Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 10, Woodruff Room, Seaford
Public Library. Flower Show entries due by 1 p.m. Social Time 1:00
p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Teresa Blades, Jim
Zeigler, Carol Kinsley
Program: “Flower Show Preparation” (for joint flower show with
Four Seasons Gardeners of Heritage Shores on Oct. 4). Our club
member Sharon Christopher, who is mentoring both clubs as we plan
the show, and her sister, Karen Coffman, will discuss how members
can help make this a successful show. Every member is encouraged
to bring at least one horticulture specimen from their garden in a clear
glass bottle, because participation counts!
Monthly Flower Show
Design: “Bring what you got.” Anything goes for this Designer’s
Choice design within guidelines on Pg. 9 of this yearbook.
Horticulture: - Any cut specimen that meets guidelines on Page 9.
Limit ONE entry per person -- save your specimens for Oct. 4!
None this month, but plan to enter photos in November.
Board Meeting: Friday, Sept. 27 (note different date!), 10:15 a.m.
Home of Susan Seltzer, Seaford.
General Meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 8, NEW MEETING LOCATION:
Grace Seaford Church, 805 Atlanta Road, Seaford. Flower Show
entries due 1 p.m. Social Time 1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.
Host/Hostesses: Carol Johnson, Pam Gallamore and Norine Donahue..
Program: “Sustainable Growing” presented by Katelin Frase of
Vintage Family Farms in Hurlock, Maryland. The quality of Vintage
Family Farms’ products demonstrates the labor of love that goes into
them. The Frases are committed to only using sustainable growing
practices — adding to the earth’s health, not depleting it. Their flowers
and vegetables provide homes to bees and other beneficial insects.
This approach rewards them with blooms that are more fragrant, long
lasting, and food production that is more sustainable.
No Monthly Flower Show - Bring photo entries from Oct. 4 to share.
Board Meeting: Friday, Nov. 1, 10:15 a.m. Home of Teresa Blades,
General Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 12, Grace Seaford Church, 805
Atlanta Road, Seaford. Flower Show entries due 1 p.m. Social Time
1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Nancy McAdams,
Nancy Stocks and Norine Donahue.
Program: “For the Love of Monarchs” — Charlene Norman is
a passionate lover of nature and strong supporter of preserving the
natural world. She and her husband began their love affair with the
monarch butterfly in 1977 when they were fortunate enough to live a
short 15-minute walk from the Pacific Grove Monarch Sanctuary in
Pacific Grove California. Currently they maintain a “butterfly garden”
at their home in Seaford, ensuring there are plenty of milkweed and
blooming flowers to sustain any monarchs that migrate through the
area. They also provide milkweed seeds to local farmers, hoping to
re-establish milkweed at crop edges.
Monthly Flower Show
Design: “Holiday Wreath”- A wreath for any holiday, any design. Be
creative!. See Pg. 9 guidelines.
Horticulture: Any cut specimen, maximum length 30”, staged in a
clean, clear container. See guidelines Page 9.
Photography: “Keep Your Distance”
Classes are: 1. Garden view, 2. Tree, 3. Wild animal (not
domesticated). Members may enter one or more classes following
guidelines on Pg. 9.
No Board or General Meeting this month.
All members are asked to help with the Greens Sale. Details are on Page 13.
The annual Holiday Party will be a “high tea” at noon on Dec.
10 hosted by Shirley O’Neal, known for antiques and estate
jewelery, at 12537 Sycamore Road, Laurel. Venue is the
middle building, not the house. Limited to 32 members by
reservation only. Free jewelry cleaning upon request. In lieu
of a gift exchange, please bring non-perishable food items to be
taken to Love INC
Board Meeting: Friday, Jan. 3, 10:15 a.m. Home of Susan Seltzer,
General Meeting: Jan. 7, Grace Seaford Church, 805 Atlanta Road,
Seaford. Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time 1:00 p.m.
Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Dawn Lepore, Teresa Blades
and Leeann Wells.
Program: “The Buzz about Bees” — Renea Allen of Pollen Fairy
Apiary in Delmar loves beekeeping! She started keeping bees five
years ago. She also worked with the state of Delaware as an apiary
inspector and inspected beehives throughout the state. Renea does not
use chemical treatments in her beehives so she can keep her honey,
wax, and other items as chemical free as possible.
Monthly Flower Show
Design: “All in a Row”— Parallel Design, a design consisting of
three or more groupings of plant material and optional components
with a strong parallel placement in a single container and/or base. See
Pg. 9 guidelines and HB Pg. 75.
Any cut specimen, maximum length 30” staged in a clean, clear
container. See guidelines Page 9.
Photography: No contest this month. Take photos for March. Check
ahead to see the three classes for entries.
Board Meeting: Friday, Feb. 7, 10:15 a.m. Home of Barbara Fletcher.,
General Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 11, Grace Seaford Church, 805
Atlanta Road, Seaford. Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time
1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Nancy McAdams,
Mary Knauss and Susan Seltzer.
Program: “Protect Yourself” - Sgt. Amanda Morris of the Delaware
State Police Financial Crimes Division will present a program to help
you protect yourself from phishing, spoofs, spam and scams, identity
theft and other forms of fraud.
Monthly Flower Show
Design: “Let’s Eat” – Single place setting, a decorative unit should
be in proportion to the one place setting. See Pg. 9 guidelines and HB
Pg. 76.
Any cut specimen, maximum length 30” staged in a clean clear
container. See guidelines on Page 9.
No contest this month. Take photos for March.
MARCH 2025
Board Meeting: Friday, March 7, 10:15 a.m. Home of Carol Kinsley,
General Meeting: Tuesday, March 11, Grace Seaford Church, 805
Atlanta Road, Seaford. Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social
Time 1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Betty Jean
Johnson, Sandi Dew, Pamela Gallamore.
Program: “Be on the Lookout for Spotted Lanternfly” - Katie
Bielicki is Spotted Lanternfly Program Coordinator for the Delaware
Department of Agriculture. She graduated from Delaware State
University with a degree in Wildlife Management in 2016. She started with
DDA in 2018 as the first casual seasonal worker to work with
SLF; in 2020 she became the program coordinator. She
works closely with the USDA to come up with the best practices
to protect Delaware’s agriculture and slow the spread of the
spotted lanternfly by targeting high trafficked areas that
are at risk for the most spotted lanternfly movement.
Monthly Flower Show
Design: “Blarney” – Small design using all greenery, a design
ranging from 3” to 12”. All staging materials are included in the size
requirements. (HB pg. 73). See Pg. 9 guidelines and HB Pg. 73.
Any cut specimen, maximum length 30” staged in a clean clear
container. See guidelines Page 9.
Photography: “Up Close and Personal” - Any photograph in one
of the following classes: 1. Flower, 2. Insect, 3. Bird. Members may
enter one or more classes following guidelines on Pg. 9.
APRIL 2025
Board Meeting: Friday, April 4, 10:15 a.m. Home of Mary Noel,
General Meeting: Tuesday, April 8, Grace Seaford Church, 805
Atlanta Road, Seaford. Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time
1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Betty Grossmann,
Dotty Mears and Sandy Blackwell.
Program: “Gleaning: Ending Food Waste and Food Insecurity”
by Jean Siers, the Regional Director for Society of St. Andrew’s
Delmarva office, based in Salisbury. Jean worked with SoSA for 10
years in Charlotte, NC, before moving to Salisbury in 2022 to open
SoSA’s newest regional office. In her 12 years with SoSA, she has
helped move more than 9 million pounds of food to more than 650
community agencies, working with more than 19,000 volunteers and
200 farmers and other producers. Born in Minnesota, Jean moved
to Charlotte after college, where she was a garden club member for
years. She is excited to make the Delmarva Peninsula her new home.
She especially loves being closer to her son, daughter-in-law, and
granddaughter who live in Baltimore.
Monthly Flower Show
Design: “Dive in” – Underwater design, a Creative design having
some or all plant material and other component(s) submerged in water.
Plant material and other components under water must contribute to
the overall design and are selected for their lasting quality. See Pg. 9
guidelines and HB Pg. 79.
Any cut specimen, maximum length 30” staged in a clean clear
container. See guidelines Page 9.
No contest this month. Take photos now for May.
MAY 2025
Board Meeting: Friday, May 2, 10:15 a.m. Home of Teresa Blades,
General Meeting: Tuesday, May 13, Grace Seaford Church, 805
Atlanta Road, Seaford. Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social
Time 1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Linda Peters,
Carol Owens and Mary Noel. New officers will be elected.
Program: “All about Herbs” by Christine Justice, former club
member and now ag director at Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club
where she is in charge of the mini-farm that produced some 5,000
pounds of produce last year. She will share some of the multitude of
uses of herbs, many of which are grown at the mini-farm.
Monthly Flower Show
Design: “Basket Weave” - Traditional mass in a basket, large
quantities of plant material with a closed silhouette. Plant material is
integrated and not grouped. See Pg. 9 guidelines and HB Pg. 71.
Horticulture: This month. Any cut specimen, maximum length 30”
staged in a clean clear container. See guidelines Page 9.
Photography: “Pretty as a Picture” - Any photograph fitting one of
the following classes: 1. Butterfly, 2. Flowering Shrub, 3. Waterfowl
One entry per class per member. Follow guidelines on Pg. 9.
JUNE 2025
Board Meeting: Friday, June 6, 10:15 a.m. Home of Carol Owens,
General Meeting/Annual Picnic: Tuesday, June 10, 12:30 p.m.,
home of Susan and Dave Seltzer, 200 Meadow Court, Seaford (Blades).
Reserve your spot on sign-up sheet. Guests welcome. Bring a covered
dish from your family’s country of origin (or your favorite foreign
dish) and a chair. New officers will be installed.