The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc.
Seaford, Delaware 19973
Celebrating our 67th Membership Year
Spade and Trowel Garden Club
End-Of-Year Picnic and Meeting
June 14, 2022
(Held at the home of member Carol Owens in Seaford, DE)
Carol Johnson installs new members, Tammy Baker, Susan Jester, Lori Lynch and Peggy Breeden (not pictured, Norine Donahue & Vicky Hoerner).
Jim Zeigler reads the "Proclamation" in honor of National Garden Week from
Seaford Mayor, David Genshaw.
Awards were given by Sharon Christopher for Design and Horticulture for the past club year. Carol Kinsley won for the most blue ribbons and Barbara Fletcher won for the most entries. Annie Darden and Mary Noel won for the most Design blue ribbons. Carol Kinsley, Lettie Perry and Annie Darden won for the most entries. Each received a plant.
Club President, Mary Noel presents a hostess gift to Carol Owens for holding the picnic at her home on the bank of the Nanticoke River.
Random Pics from the Picnic