The Spade & Trowel Garden Club, Inc.
Seaford, Delaware 19973
Celebrating our 67th Membership Year
2019-2020 Planned Activities
September 2019
Board Meeting: September 3, 10 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library, 600 North Market Street Ext., Seaford.
General Meeting: September 10, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library.
Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time 1:00 p.m.
Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mariellen Leonhartt, Susan Clifford, Pamela Gallamore and Sue Ann Backus.
Program: “Invasive Plants and Insects” presented by Ashley Melvin. A native Delawarean,
Ashley developed a deep connection with nature at a young age and understands the importance of fostering
that connection in today’s youth. She joined the Delaware Forest Service in 2001. Currently she serves as Delaware’s Project Learning Tree Coordinator and manages two education centers at Blackbird and Redden State Forests. A founding member of the Delaware Association for Environmental Education and current treasurer, Ashley helps increase the quality and opportunity for outdoor learning on a state, regional and national level. She continues to participate as the botanist in all Forest Service field studies and is the outgoing chair of the Delaware Invasive Species Council.
Monthly Flower Show: Design: “Welcome Back” - See Divison III, Section A, Class 1 of show schedule, Page 9. For Horticulture and Photography, see Page 8.
Local Trip - Tuesday, September 24, 2019, 10:30 a.m.
Tour University of Delaware Botanic Gardens in Newark, Del., a research center, laboratory and classroom in which studies in plant biology, botany, plant pathology, landscape design, ornamental horticulture, and entomology are pursued through experiential learning. The diverse and dynamic living plant collection includes more than 3,000 species and cultivars of perennials, shrubs, and trees. If there is interest, a guided group tour is $10 per person. For a map, visit gardens/.
Carpool will leave Lowe’s parking lot at 8:30 a.m. sharp. There is a parking lot behind Townsend Hall. Parking info TBA.
Tour will begin and end at the Dairy Creamery, where delicious UD ice cream is sold.
Greens Sale/Pecan Orders
Plan now to collect greens and take orders for the greens sale, our major fund raiser, in December. Order forms will be available Sept. 10, due in November. Order forms for fresh Georgia pecans also will be distributed. Questions? Call Jim Zeigler, (302) 536-7356.
Board Meeting: October 1, 10 a.m. Starbucks, 23475 Sussex Hwy. Seaford.
General Meeting: October 8, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library. Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time 1:00 p.m.
Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Teresa Blades, Lettie Perry and Madlyn McPartland.
Program: “Biography of a Successful Gardener” presented by club member Zeeger deWilde.
After high school in Holland, Zeeger attended a three-year Horticultural College in Almere, Holland, then another three-year Arboretum program at another college. He emigrated to Toronto, Canada, for a year, then to Montreal to oversee the Centennial Celebration with 800 employees for six months. After four years, he emigrated to the United States in 1968 to the Baltimore
area where he met Dorothy. They were married in 1972. He then opened his own business which he had for 40 years. He has received awards for his work and for his volunteer activities.
Monthly Flower Show: Design: “Let’s Go Dutch” - See Divison III, Section A, Class 2 of show schedule, Page 9. For Horticulture and Photography, see Page 8.
Pecan Sale — Order Now!
Orders being taken now for our sixth annual sale of fresh picked shelled pecans direct from the grower in Georgia. One-pound bags are great for holiday baking, snacking and giving!
Coming Soon — Greens Sale
Offer our wreaths, etc., to friends, neighbors and co-workers. Centerpieces make nice gifts!
Local Trip: Tuesday, October 22, 10:30 a.m.
A visit by car to Don’s Christmas Tree Farm, 6396 Hickman Road, Greenwood, DE (on Route 16, 3 miles west of Greenwood).
Don has 40 acres of trees, including potted evergreens available year-round. Don’t miss the model trains and unique ornaments made by Don’s wife. Purchases are by cash only. Meet at Lowe’s at 9:45 a.m. for carpool leaving promptly at 10
a.m. Those who so desire may stop on the way home for lunch (Dutch treat) with the group at noon at Cafe Tamburelli, 3 West
Market St. in Greenwood. Please register so we have a head count for reservations.
Board Meeting: November 5, 10 a.m. Starbucks, 23475 Sussex Hwy. Seaford.
General Meeting: November 12, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library. Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time 1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mary Noel, Wanda Davis, Candee Logan and Biddi Nixon.
Program: “Tri-State Bird Rescue” presented by Dr. Ray Bryant.
Ray spent 43 years in public education, retiring as a superintendent of schools. In 2014 he and his wife returned to Delmarva where they retired. Ray soon moved from advocating for children with disabilities to helping Tri-State Bird Rescue take care of birds with injuries. Since 2014, he has driven tens of thousands of miles and interacted with hundreds of birds. As a transporter team member, he is responsible for the transportation of injured birds to Tri-State in Newark. If the bird has not been captured, he, individually or with a capture team, rescues a bird with an injury. As a re-nesting team member, Ray is involved with returning to their nest raptors who have fallen out, or when a nest has been destroyed, he helps create a new nest and return the baby raptor(s) to the new nest. In 2015 Tri-State recognized Ray with the Fledging of the Year award, and, in 2017, the Volunteer of the Year award.
Monthly Flower Show: Design: “Harvest Time” - See Divison III, Section A, Class 3 of show schedule, Page 9. For Horticulture and
Photography, see Page 8.
Christmas Workshop - Thursday, November 14, 2019
Club member Mary Noel will be leading a workshop on how to make all the products offered in our December greens sale,
including wreaths, swags, mounds and centerpieces. New members, especially, are encouraged to attend. Workshop will be held at 10 a.m. at Mary’s house, 18272 Progress School Road, Bridgeville. Please register so sufficient materials can be provided.
Time to Collect Evergreens!
Please take time once your Thanksgiving meal is over to collect evergreens, especially colorful accent pieces, for the greens sale
in early December. Plan now to attend one or both work days. We need “all hands on deck” and have a job for everyone!
Greens Sale Dates and Procedures
November 30 & December 1, collect greens (see list below)
December 1, Sunday, Setup, Ross Station at Gov. Ross Plantation, 23669 Ross Station Road, Seaford. 1 p.m.
December 2, Monday, Greens Workday, Ross Station, 9 a.m. Product Pickup 3-6 p.m.
December 3, Tuesday, Greens Workday, Ross Station, 9 a.m. Product Pickup 3-6 p.m. Clean up!
Location: Ross Station at Gov. Ross Plantation, 23669 Ross Station Road, Seaford, across the street from the Seaford Public
Library. Ross Station is the new building and has a new parking lot.
Bring a box to set your work on while designing, also gloves, cutters, large nail, a towel, a box for waste, etc. There are plenty of
jobs for everyone.
Morning coffee and snacks and lunch will be provided both days.
Chair for Monday’s food is Carol Kinsley. Volunteer hostesses are Annie Darden, Pam Gallamore, Bev Hutton, Robin Bowyer
and Nancy McAdams.
Co-chairs for Tuesday are Teresa Blades and Linda Hallbrook. Hostesses are Mary Lynn Huberty, Robin Bowyer and Bev Hutton.
Customers will be called when their order is complete. Therefore, all components of an order (multiple items) will be created at the
same time. Several people could work on an order if needed. The goal is to have the products be as uniform as possible, especially for the same customer.
Greens Sale Materials List
Preferred materials: blue spruce, boxwood, cedar, Douglas fir, euonymous, Fraser fir, holly (with berries), Leyland cypress,
magnolia, nandina (with berries), Scotch pine, white pine, winterberry and pine cones. We will need more than you imagine!
Please cut to usable sizes (no large limbs or branches). Maximum length 40 inches. Spray greens with water to keep fresh; deliver in plastic bags or containers if possible. Greens may be delivered over the weekend and placed in designated areas.
Major Project: Decorate Gov. Ross Mansion for Holidays
The Spade & Trowel Garden Club will decorate the Governor Ross Mansion and Christmas tree on Dec. 10, before our Christmas Party, in preparation for the Ross Plantation annual Victorian Christmas Dec. 12-15. The Mansion is at 23669 Ross Station Road in Seaford. Questions? Call Mary Noel, (302) 337-1054.
Board Meeting: Tuesday, December 3 - Brief session to be held during greens making at Ross Station, 23669 Ross Station Road, Seaford.
No General Meeting this month. All members are asked to help with the Greens Sale. Details are on Page 15.
Annual Holiday Party will be held December 10 at the Ross Station
at Gov. Ross Mansion. Details will be announced later. Co-chairs are
Jackie McPeak and Susan McCoy.
Board Meeting: January 7, 10 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library, 600 North Market St. Ext., Seaford.
General Meeting: January 14, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library. Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time 1:00 p.m.
Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Betty Grossmann, Dotty Mears, Sandi Dew and Gwen Messenger.
Program: “Traditional Design” presented by Susie Middleton.
Susie’s career included time heading Human Resources for several Fortune 500 companies. In 2001, she and her husband retired to a 120-acre farm on the Eastern Shore…largely because her husband is a waterfowl hunter and she loves to garden. She joined the Dorchester Garden Club 15 years ago and since then has served in a number of officer and committee positions for her club, district and the state. She has a passion for learning and has taken courses in all of the council schools. She is currently an accredited Master Flower Show Judge, Landscape Design Consultant, Environmental and Gardening Consultant as well as a Master Gardener. She also loves to share what she has learned and is a frequent speaker at garden clubs across the
state. She will create one or more designs which will be offered in a raffle.
Monthly Flower Show: Design: “Evergreen” - See Divison III, Section A, Class 4 of show schedule, Page 9. For Horticulture and
Photography, see Page 8.
Road Trip to Mid Atlantic Nursery Trade Show in Baltimore, January 9, 2020
MANTS is the “Masterpiece of Trade Shows” for the horticulture industry, and this is its 50th anniversary. The show is held at
Baltimore Convention Center and there are more than 1,000 exhibitors. A bus has been reserved, and if there is enough interest
before Dec. 1, cost of transportation will be $20 per person. If not we will carpool from Lowe’s, leaving at 9:30 a.m. and parking in
Lot C of Camden Yards. There is a free shuttle to the Convention Center. Register online for admission at Cost is $15 before Dec. 6; $20 afterwards or at the door.
Want to go to the Philadelphia Flower Show?
Theme this year is Riviera Holiday. A sign-up sheet will be circulated to estimate how many members are interested in going
on March 5, and whether a bus will be feasible. Show tickets are approximately $25 with the group rate.
Board Meeting: February 4, 10 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library, 600 North Market St. Ext., Seaford.
General Meeting: February 11, East Coast Garden Center, 30366 Cordrey Rd., Millsboro, DE.
Meeting begins at 1 p.m. There will be no social time and no monthly flower show this month since the meeting is out of town. Details on carpooling TBA.
Program: “House Plants” presented by Terri Bouvier. Terri joined East Coast Garden Center in 2016. Her creativity, knowledge and
business acumen make her an integral part of the leadership team. One of Terri’s many responsibilities as head of merchandising at East Coast Garden Center is managing the Houseplant Department. Her skills and expertise were instrumental in expanding the Garden Center’s offerings and transforming how houseplants are showcased. Terri’s extensive knowledge of houseplants reflects a 35-year career that includes a wide range of experience in the floral, interior design and plant businesses. This began with owning and operating a floral and plant gift subscription service. At a plantscaping company, she worked in both commercial and residential interior plant design, installation and maintenance. Most recently she owned and operated Fancy Plants Floral, Plant and Gift Shop.
Philadelphia Flower Show Trip • March 5, 2020
The 2020 Philadelphia Flower Show will run from February 29 through March 8 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center (12th
and Arch Streets, in Philadelphia). The theme is Riviera Holiday, inspired by the world’s exotic Mediterranean gardens. Riviera
Holiday beckons you to embrace your inner romantic and create a Mediterranean-inspired garden of your own. Ornate pottery and
patterned tiles, a well-placed pergola and abundant clusters of scented flowers, ornamental fountains and herb parterres provide
irresistible appeal along with sustainable lower maintenance, waterwise options that are both responsive to and reflective of temperate conditions.
As you enter the show, groves of citrus trees lead the way, providing a lush, dramatic promenade to the sun-drenched landscape ahead. Breathe in fragrant waves of lavender inspired by the terraced gardens of Monaco. Walk the esplanade of flowering arches. Become enraptured by the delightful dimension of gardens. Explore the allure and extraordinary plant palette of some of the world’s captivating coastal regions.
If there is enough interest, we will go by bus, leaving Lowe’s at 9:30 a.m. and departing Philadelphia for home at 7 p.m. Bring
lunch to eat on the bus. Dinner will be “on your own” at the show or at nearby eateries.
MARCH 2020
Board Meeting: March 3, 10 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library, 600 North Market St. Ext., Seaford.
General Meeting: March 10, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library.
Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time 1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Hostess: Carol Johnson, Pamela Gallamore, Betty Jean Johnson and Ruth Townsend.
Program: “Cut Flower Gardening” presented by Immediate Past President Carol Johnson.
Carol began by joining the Cut Flower Growers of Maryland which was started in the 90’s by Dr. Stanton Gill, Extension agent for Howard County. After visiting many, many cut flower growers, she decided she wanted to grow cut flowers. For 20
years while living in Maryland, on her farm she grew peonies, Oriental lilies and other flowers for the wholesale market and the Frederick Farmers’ Market. She was a vendor for five years. The farmers’ market provided opportunities to provide flowers for weddings, although most of her flowers were sold through a wholesale company in Baltimore and to co-workers at her job with the State of Maryland. Carol says she has truly enjoyed growing flowers and has learned a lot from the many growers who were always willing to share their knowledge.
Monthly Flower Show: Design: “Spring Is in the Air” - See Divison III, Section A, Class 5 of show schedule, Page 9. For Horticulture and Photography, see Page 8.
“Design and Dine” Luncheon
March 25, 2020, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Ross Station at Gov. Ross Plantation, Seaford
Karen Coffman, 410-336-5236, is going to chair the “Design and Dine” luncheon which will feature a delicious meal and two speakers on design. Tickets will be $30 and all members will be encouraged to help sell them throughout the community. We have a delightful venue at Ross Station which will hold more than 200 people. Volunteers will be sought for the many tasks necessary to make this a successful venture. But it is a Spade & Trowel Garden Club event, so it will be awesome!
APRIL 2020
Board Meeting: April 7, 10 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library, 600 North Market St. Ext., Seaford.
General Meeting: April 14, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library
Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time 1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Sandy Blackwell, Linda Hallbrook and Carol Owens.
Program: “Creative Design” presented by Terry Holman of Federated Garden Clubs of Maryland, Inc. Terry is currently a proud member of Oxford Garden Club, Horticulture Chairman for District I of FGCMD and a NGC Accredited Flower Show Judge since 2010. She has chaired many standard Flower Shows at club, district and state levels and has received many NGC awards for these shows and
their schedules. Terry has been a flower show enthusiast since 2003. Her main goal as a garden club member is to promote flower shows and to grow exhibitors. Her designs will be offered as raffle prizes
after her presentation.
Monthly Flower Show: Design: “Embellish” - See Divison III, Section A, Class 6 of show schedule, Page 9. For Horticulture and Photography, see Page 8.
Road Trip • April 21, 2020
We will travel by carpool to Ladew Topiary Gardens, 3535 Jarrettsville Pike, Monkton, MD. Carpool leaves Lowe’s at 8:30 a.m.
The gardens were named One of the Top 5 Gardens in North America and, by Architectural Digest, one of the “10 incredible
topiary gardens around the world.” A self-taught gardener, Harvey S. Ladew (1887-1976) created 15 thematic “garden rooms” on 22 acres of his 250-acre Maryland property. As you stroll through the gardens, it’s hard to believe that one man, with no formal training and very little outside help, created such a magnificent, living masterpiece.
Self-guided Nature Walk, Gardens & House Tour is $18 for adults, $15 for seniors (62+). Garden & Nature Walk only is $13 and $10, respectively.
MAY 2020
Board Meeting: May 5, 10 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library, 600 North Market St. Ext., Seaford.
General Meeting: May 12, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library.
Flower Show entries due 1:00 p.m. Social Time 1:00 p.m. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. Hostesses: Eileen Marx, Arrena Rafail, Ruth Townsend and Anita Reich
Program: “Establishing our Meadow: the Good, the Bad and the Beautiful” presented by Sandi Dew. A Sussex County Master
Gardener and club member,
Sandi will share some of the challenges, successes and failures experienced in establishing the new research and demonstration Meadow in the demonstration garden at the Carvel Research and Education Center in Georgetown. Although she had dabbled in gardening on and off for many years, Sandi began gardening in earnest around 30 years ago as a way to
increase birds and butterflies in her garden. She was active in two garden clubs in Bethesda, MD, and joined Spade & Trowel in 2012 just before moving to Seaford full time. She became a Master Gardener in 2013 and co-heads the Mixed Border and Meadow gardens in the Demonstration Garden in Georgetown.
Monthly Flower Show: Design: “Make It Rain” - See Divison III, Section A, Class 7 of show schedule, Page 9. For Horticulture and
Photography, see Page 8.
Local Road Trip • May 26, 2020
Having heard Sandi Dew talk about the Meadow Garden, we will visit the demonstration garden at the Carvel Research and Education Center, 16483 County Seat Highway, Georgetown, DE (just down Route 9 from Sussex Tech). Tour starts at 10 a.m. Carpool leaves Lowe’s at 9:30 a.m. Bring a bag lunch for a picnic at tables in “the Grove” after our tour. Beverages will be provided by the Club.
JUNE 2020
Board Meeting: June 2, 10 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library, 600 North Market St. Ext., Seaford.
Annual Meeting will be held 12:30 p.m. June 9 at a picnic luncheon and plant auction at the home of Barbara and Tom Fletcher, 24332 Shufelt Road, Seaford. Bring a lawn chair and a covered dish (sides, salads or desserts). The club will provide entree and beverage. Hostess is Margaret Alexander.
To keep the auction interesting, bring no more than three varieties per person and no more than five specimens of each variety.
There will be no monthly design competition or horticulture judging. A brief business meeting will be held between lunch and the auction.
Celebrate National Garden Week
June 7-13, 2020
Join National Garden Clubs across the country in celebrating National Garden Week. Promote the NGC objectives of
beautification, education of environmental efforts, gardening, and involvement of Garden Clubs in our community.
This week is an opportunity to encourage pride in our community, interest among new members and work with other
groups to be part of those efforts.
Plant America
Join the National Garden Club’s initiative and “Plant America.” Come out and help with the Spade & Trowel Kids’ Garden Club at the Boys & Girls Club one afternoon or volunteer to help at the Teen Challenge Home of Hope. Teach a child how to plant a garden!
PLANT AMERICA is an ongoing project of National Garden Clubs, Inc. This project is a singularly focused initiative on gardens and gardening that is both a call to service and a description of what NGC members do. Plant America supports the primary reason that members give for joining a garden club: to learn about gardening!