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                               2017-2018 Calendar of Events



September 2017

Board Meeting: September 5, 10:05 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library
General Meeting: September 12, (Changed to St. Johns United Methodist Church, 300 Pine St., Seaford.) Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library.


Social Time, 12:30 p.m. - Hostesses: Mary Lynn Huberty, Sandy Blackwell, Pat Bonniwell, Carol Kinsley
Program, 1 p.m. - New Member orientation led by club president Carol Johnson, followed by “House Plant Presentation and Swap.” Bring an indoor plant and a one-page typed description of the plant
and its care. Raffle tickets will be drawn to see who gets first choice. 


Monthly Design Competition: “Back to School” - Designer’s choice using live flowers in a school-related container (lunch pail, mug with school logo, pencil container). Accessories permitted. Follow rules of
National Garden Club’s 2017 edition of the Handbook For Flower Shows. Entries must be in place by 12:30 p.m. to be judged.

Horticulture Judging: Emphasis this year will be on native plants. This month’s “Notable Native” is Little Bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium. See Page 17 for details on horticulture entries.



                                         Local Trip: Tuesday, September 26, 2-4 p.m.

A visit to garden of Candee Logan and Steve Haigh - Address: 12246 Salt Barn Rd., Laurel DE. 19956
Meet at Lowe’s at 1:15 p.m. for carpooling; depart at 1:30 p.m.

Take a stroll around Candee and Steve’s garden to see all sorts of handmade garden art. See and hear how to make things for your garden. You will take home a wealth of ideas. There’s a conifer garden with a concrete leaf sculpture, concrete crocheted items such as tablecloths and garden hats, leaf birdbaths and
downspout splashguards. Check out several birdcage planters. Be sure to look on the trees for Steve’s living birdhouse. Don’t miss the fairy garden and the fairy house Candee designed and Steve built. Most of the accessories are handmade.



                                                                 Green Sale Orders

Plan now to collect greens and take orders for our green sale in December, our major fund raiser. Order forms available Sept. 12. Bring completed orders to the November meeting. Questions? Call Carol Campbell, 302-337-9332. Also, keep your eye out for magnolia trees from which we might ask permission to cut tips for wreaths.





Board Meeting: October 3, 10:05 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library
General Meeting: October 10. Note alternate location: Del Tech campus, 21179 College Drive, Georgetown, DE 19947.

Social Time, 12:30 p.m. - Hostesses: Lettie Perry, Annie Darden, Gwen Messenger and Zeeger deWilde
Program, 1 p.m.: “What’s New in Agriculture,” presented by Kyle Serman, chair of the applied agriculture department as well as advisor and instructor.

This month’s meeting will be held in the new agriculture building used for vegetable processing and sales by students. Kyle Serman will show us the innovative technology that is developing in agriculture, then
we will tour the greenhouses nearby. There will be fresh, seasonable, produce available for purchase.
Del Tech address is 21179 College Drive, Georgetown, DE 19947. Meet at Lowe’s at noon to carpool. To reach the ag building: From Route 13, head east on Rt. 18/404. Turn right onto Vaughn Road at
the edge of the Del Tech campus. Turn left onto Pondside Drive. Go 0.2 miles past the stop sign to the yellow flags and turn right. Look for solar field and greenhouses. If you get to the water tower, you’ve gone too far.

No Monthly Design or Horticulture Judging this month.


                                       Local Trip - Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 9:30 a.m.

Tour University of Salisbury Arboretum. Start at University House, 1116 Camden Ave., Salisbury, MD. Park in gravel lot. The 145-acre campus of Salisbury University is a place for the scientific study and public display of various woody and herbaceous plants. The Arboretum’s gardens and areas of special
interest include: the Pergola, the Perdue School Courtyard, Holloway Hall Courtyard, Fulton Hall Gardens, the Bellavance Honors Center Japanese Garden and the Miller Alumni Garden.

The tour, led by Will Lowery, may involve a lot of walking, so wear comfortable shoes. For an advance look, visit online:

Meet at Lowe’s for car pooling at 8:30 a.m. Depart at 8:45 a.m. After a two-hour tour, we will go to lunch at Fratelli’s Italian Restaurant, 925 Snow Hill Rd, Salisbury, MD 21804. RSVP by October 20 to Mary Lynn Huberty, who will make reservations for the group.





Board Meeting: November 7, 10:05 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library
General Meeting: November 14, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library

Social Time, 12:30 p.m. - Hostesses: Joanne Whalon, Carol Johnson, Pat Villani and Sandi Dew.
Program, 1 p.m.: “Developments at Delaware Botanic Gardens,” presented by Gregg Tepper, who will update us on the exciting activities going on at the Botanic Gardens, including the planting of the meadow by Piet Oudolf.

Gregory Tepper, director of horticulture, comes to DBG from Mt. Cuba Center in Hockessin, DE, where he served as horticulturist, woods path horticulturist, and director of horticulture. A native plant enthusiast since age 13, he studied horticulture at the University of Delaware and went on to start his own business designing and managing private gardens. Gregg has lectured on native plants in the United States and in Great Britain. He volunteers at the Philadelphia International Flower Show and pursues botanical excursions to study plant communities.

Monthly Design Competition: Harvest-themed creative mass design in pumpkin or gourd container using fresh flowers in fall colors. Dried materials permitted. See page 74, 2017 Handbook for Flower Shows.
Entries must be in place by 12:30 p.m. to be judged.

Horticulture Judging: This month’s “Notable Native” is Inkberry Holly, Ilex glabra. See Page 17 for details on horticulture entries.

                                                     Important Dates for Green Sale

December 3, Sunday, Setup, Cheer Starz Center, 1 p.m.
December 4, Monday, Green Workday, Cheer Starz Center, 9 a.m. Product Pickup 3-6 p.m.
December 5, Tuesday, Green Workday, Cheer Starz Center, 9 a.m. Product Pickup 3-6 p.m. Clean up!
All members are asked to participate in soliciting orders to make this a successful fundraiser! Orders should be given to Carol Campbell well in advance of deadline (TBA).
For further details on the green sale, please see p. 10.
To volunteer to help with food, for Dec. 4, contact Dotty Mears; for Dec. 5, contact Carol Kinsley





Board Meeting: December 5 - Brief session to be held during Green Sale preparation at Cheer Starz Center.
No General Meeting this month.

Annual Christmas party details TBA. Co-chairs: Jackie McPeak and Susan McCoy, with help of Mary Lynn Huberty and Biddi Nixon.

Green Sale Procedures
Dates: Set up, Dec. 3

Work and Pick-up Days, Dec. 4 & 5.
NEW Location: Cheer Starz Center, 25586 Business Park Drive, Seaford.
See directions on sales forms. The Center is off Brickyard Road, which runs from Concord Road to Route 13 (southbound lane), south of Seaford, behind Royal Farms. Look for signs.

Park in front of the building on the grass. Do not block drive except momentarily to unload greens. Preferred materials: blue spruce, boxwood, cedar, Douglas fir, euonymous, Fraser fir, holly
(with berries), Leyland cypress, magnolia, nandina (with berries), Scotch pine, white pine, winterberry and pine cones. Please cut to usable sizes (no large limbs or branches). Maximum length 40”.
Spray greens with water to keep fresh; deliver in plastic bags or containers if possible. Greens may be delivered over weekend and placed against building in designated area or in grass in front of
parking area.

The floor is concrete so wear appropriate shoes or bring a mat if needed. Bring a box to set your work on to design, gloves, cutters, a box for waste, etc.


Coffee and snacks in the morning and a lunch will be provided both days.

Customers will be called when their order is complete. Therefore, all of an order will be created at the same time (several people could work on an order if needed). The goal is to have the product be as
uniform as possible, especially for the same customer.

Customers will drive to the side entrance door to pick up their product and exit around the neighboring building and back out to the road. We will encourage one-way traffic. 


Major Project: Decorate Gov. Ross Mansion for Holidays
The Spade & Trowel Garden Club will decorate the Gov. Ross Mansion and Christmas tree on Wednesday, December 6, at 1 p.m. in preparation for the Ross Plantation annual Victorian
Christmas week-end. Questions? Call Mary Noel.


The Theme:  "Joy to the World"





Board Meeting: January 2, 10:05 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library

General Meeting: January 9, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library

Social Time: 12:30 p.m. - Hostesses: Candee Logan, Bev Hutton, Biddi Nixon and Ruth Townsend.

Program: 1 p.m.: “Be a friend to Bees,” presented by Chuck Hurd
          Chuck Hurd, a retired Kent County paramedic, started a vegetable farming operation called Lister Acres in Harrington, DE, in 1995. In 2003 he added an agritourism aspect, to include a corn maze. This led to interest in a Pollinator Meadow, which served as an educational tool for the children and adults who came to the farm. Hurd was named 2008 National Pollinator Conservationist of the Year by the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign. During this time, beekeeping became a full-time hobby. He keeps 10 to 25 hives on the farm. He will discuss the life cycle of the honey bee, native bees and how they impact us.

Monthly Design Competition: “Three Kings” - Parallel Design using colors of royalty: purples, reds, gold and silver. See page 75, Handbook for Flower Shows. Entries must be in place by 12:30 p.m. to be judged.

Horticulture Judging: This month’s “Notable Native” is Christmas Fern, Polystichum acrostichoides. See Page 17 for details on horticulture entries.


Local Trip - Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Eagle Watch, Conowingo Dam, 4948 Conowingo Road, Darlington, MD. Meet at Lowe’s parking lot to depart at 8 a.m. on a tour led by Zeeger deWilde, who has led several club excursions to Blackwater Wildlife Refuge. In 2010, the National Wildlife Refuge Association and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation selected Zeeger as National Volunteer of the year.


Travel to Conowingo Visitors Center (two hours’ drive) and from there select the best viewing venue, perhaps Fisherman’s Wharf & Park down the street at 2569 Shures Landing Road. At least 170 species of birds have been observed and recorded at the dam. Before we go you may want to visit
conowingo.html or




Board Meeting: February 6, 10:05 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library

General Meeting: February 13, Seaford Library, Woodruff Room (Change from Yearbook, Not at Yacht Club)

        Social Time 12:30 p.m.

        Program 1 p.m.

Hostess Committee: Dotty Mears, Carol Owens, Mary Lynn Huberty.

Monthly Design Competition: “Sweetheart” - Designers Choice in heart-shaped container or container with heart design. Fresh flowers in valentine colors. Accessories permitted. Entries must be in place by 12:30 p.m. to be judged.

No Horticulture Judging this month.

February 15, Tentative at The Brick Hotel, Georgetown Circle, 2 p.m.  Cost $20 to member.  RSVP to Pat Villani ASAP.

Following is subject to change:

“Anniversary Par-tea” celebrating club’s 60th year. Short presentation, tea, and un-juried flower show -


Margaret Alexander will share with us elements of a Victorian Tea. Bring your favorite tea cup and saucer and a tea pot, if you have one. You may wish to “dress” for the occasion.

A former teacher, Margaret Alexander began working for the Seaford Historical Society in 1998 on the weekends as a docent at the Ross Mansion. The Victorian Teas have since become an annual fund raiser,
held in spring, fall and/or before Christmas. A Mother/Daughter tea introduced in 2017 was an opportunity for school age girls to come to tea with their mothers. At summer camps, the girls prepared and had
their own tea and learned about tea customs in Victorian times.




Small Workshop - Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Recycled Material Workshop
Instructors: Karen Coffman & Sharon Christopher
Seaford Public Library, 1-3 pm.
Create magic in your garden using everyday materials. We will light your way using old wine bottles and other everyday items. Many other projects planned to make your garden come alive. Workshop
is free.

MARCH 2018

Board Meeting: March 6, 10:05 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library

General Meeting: March 13, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library

Social Time: 12:30 p.m. - Hostesses: Annie Darden, Lettie Perry, and Mary Noel

Program: 1 p.m.: “Tomatoes: The right way, the wrong way, and my way,” presented by John Farquhar.
        John is a member of our Club who says he learned to garden by getting out there at his leisure and getting dirt under his fingernails. He uses great references for his tomato growing which include Epic Tomatoes and All New Square Foot Gardening. A visit to John and MaryEllen’s wonderful garden is included in one of our local trips on Thursday, May 3.

Monthly Design Competition: “Happy St Patty’s Day” - Table Design for a leprechaun. See page 76 under “Exhibition Table” in 2017 Handbook for Flower Shows.

Entries must be in place by 12:30 p.m.

Horticulture Judging: This month’s “Notable Native” is Green and Gold, Chrysogonum virginianum. See Page 17 for details on horticulture entries.


Tentative Bus Day Trip to Philadelphia Flower Show

Theme of 2018 Philadelphia Flower Show is “Wonders of Water.” It is scheduled March 3-11 at Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA.

A sign-up sheet will be circulated to estimate how many members are interested in going, and whether a bus will be feasible. Show tickets are approximately $25 with group rate.


Small Workshop - Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 10 a.m.-noon, Pruning with Zeeger
Our own landscaping and pruning expert, Zeeger deWilde, was born in The Netherlands and grew up in Nazi occupation during World War II. After the war, he studied horticulture and arboriculture. In
1953, he immigrated to Canada and then, in 1968, to Maryland, where he became a U.S. citizen and started his own landscape business. He will continue his lessons on how to prune shrubs.

Location: Member’s garden TBA.
Meet at Lowe’s to carpool. Time TBA.


March 29, 2018, Rescheduled Salisbury University Arboretum Tour - Meet at Lowes at 8:30, Depart 8:45

APRIL 2018

Board Meeting: April 3, 10:05 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library

General Meeting: April 10, Woodruff Room, Seaford Public Library

Social Time: 12:30 p.m. - Hostesses: Mary Noel, Tina Burket, Sue Ann Backus and Dorothy Mears

Program: 1 p.m.: “Succulents in Unusual Containers” presented by Maureen Ryan and Gainor Urian.
        Maureen Ryan has gardened in several states from New York through Virginia, enjoying the knowledge gained at every garden along the way. After moving to Delaware, she trained as a Master

Gardener focusing on growing vegetables and the accessibility issues of her fellow gardeners. She is vice-president of Gardeners By the Sea Garden Club and co-chair of both the Demonstration Garden and
Vegetable Garden at the Carvel Extension office in Georgetown, Del.

        The first thing on Gainor’s bucket list after retiring was to get certified as a Master Gardener, which she did in 2013. She keeps busy working in the Sussex County Master Gardeners Demonstration Garden
where she has been the garden chair for the Container Gardens, currently chairs the Sedum Garden and Rain Barrel Garden. Love and appreciation for nature and years of problem solving in the cellular
biology world draw her to no man’s land areas of the garden where her greatest pleasure is to bring it back to life by rearranging, dividing plants and recreating the space using what is already there.

Monthly Design Competition: “Spring Is Sprung” - Creative Line Design using spring flowers, daffodils, spring foliage. See Page 74 of the 2017 Handbook for Flower Shows. Entries must be in place by
12:30 p.m. to be judged.

Horticulture Judging: This month’s “Notable Native” is Foamflower, Tiarella cordifolia. See Page 17 for details on horticulture entries.


Small Workshop - Tuesday, April 24, 1-3 p.m.
Pressed Flower Picture Workshop, Presented by Sandy Blackwell
Place: Seaford Library, Allen Room.
Learn how to make a pressed flower picture to keep or give as a gift. How to press flowers will be discussed. We will create a picture using pressed flowers and leaves on card stock. You may bring your
own frame, or select from ones provided. Bring your own tweezers. All other materials will be provided at no charge. Sandy Blackwell taught herself this art form, creating her first pictures using flowers from her sister’s funeral.


Virginia House & Garden Tour:  April 28th from 9:30 am-5:00 pm, $40 - Possible Excursion

MAY 2018

Board Meeting: May 1, 10:05 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library

General Meeting: May 8, NOTE: Alternate Location, Home of Dotty Mears, 30788 Cypress Lane, Laurel, DE. 19956 - Bring a plant to donate to the auction, a lunch and a lawn chair.  Cold drinks and dessert will be provided.

Social Time: 12:30 p.m. - Hostesses: Eileen Marx, Anita Reich, Melissa Fehrer and Faith Ewen

Program: 1 p.m.: “Cut Flower Growing,” presented by our president, Carol Johnson, former cut flower grower.


Program to be followed by plant auction. Betty Grossmann will be auctioneer. Bring plant to donate, lawn chair, and lunch. Cold drinks and desserts will be provided.

Monthly Design Competition: Welcome spring door wreath using fresh materials. See page 93, Hanging Designs, in 2017 Handbook for Flower Shows. Wreaths may be donated to be auctioned or taken
home for your doorway.

No horticulture judging this month.


Small Workshop - Tuesday, May 22, 1-3 p.m.
Fairy Garden Workshop
Presenters: Karen Coffman and Sharon Christopher
Home of Sharon Christopher, 4663 E. New Market/Rhodesdale Road, Rhodesdale MD 21659
These active, creative sisters will help you design and create your very own fairy garden, complete with fairy and landscaping. Please bring a container between 10 and 14 inches to create your garden. All other materials provided.
Cost of workshop $15.

JUNE 2017

Celebrate National Garden Week June 3-9
Check out our display in the Chamber of Commerce window in downtown Seaford, DE

Board Meeting: June 5, 10:05 a.m. Allen Room, Seaford Public Library


General Membership Meeting:  June 12, 2018 - See NOTE

NOTE:  Annual Meeting will be held at a luncheon at Blue Water Grill in Millsboro, following a visit to the gardens of Greg and Jan Thompson, 30163 Buckhill Lane, Dagsboro, DE.
The Thompsons have an awesome garden of daylilies and hostas. Our last visit with the Thompsons was in July of 2012. They have several hundred lily varieties and almost as many hosta varieties. They belong
to and are very active in both national societies. Their waterfront property is on the inland bays and the new Delaware Botanical Gardens backs up to their property. Greg and Jan are extremely knowledgeable
about their plants. It should be a great trip. Bring a lawn chair. 

Carpool from Lowe’s, leaving at 10:30 a.m. Directions TBA.
We will be at Blue Water Grill, 226 Main Street, for lunch about 1 p.m.

There will be no monthly design competition or horticulture judging.

More upcoming trips and adventures.
The possibilities to visit fabulous gardens in the Mid-Atlantic area are endless. Carol Johnson will be looking into more day trips, such as a boat trip from Tilghman Island, MD, to Poplar Island in the Choptank

There is also the possibility of an overnight trip to New York for a garden tour there, or to Virginia to participate in the House and Garden Tour.

Let Carol know if you are interested! Suggestions are welcome.










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